Saturday, 25 February 2017

Women's Day is Everyday !

 Women's Day - Short and Sweet !

Disclaimer: The Truth Shall Set You Free....But First - It Shall Piss You Off !

For some reason, 8th of March seems to be THE day when the gender that the creator decided to create in their image, is given utmost importance. It is on this auspicious day that women are recognized as fellow beings. On this day, the MNC's set aside time that they want to give to their women workforce, to organize training that are related to them could be their hobbies, additional work skills, dealing with stress of delivering excellence at home and at work or even their personal security or self defense. To organize some fun events.

It doesn't matter if you are a girl or a boy but the moment you opened your eyes the first person you saw was a woman. And from that day to your death bed there will always be a woman in your life in one role or the other. Starting from a Mother, Sister, Friend, Aunt, Grand Mother, Lover, Wife, Daughter. Our lives have revolved around them since evolution.

In fact, in the South Indian marriage tradition, post the actual ritual when a couple is pronounced married, the priest escorts the couple under the open sky to show them a star. Known as the Arundhati and Vasistha star. It is shown as a reminder that even though the couple stars look like one star to the naked eye, in reality they are 2 and that they revolve around each other. It is done as a reiteration to the the couple that they must too be like that.

With so much importance given to the relationship between man and woman, both choose to celebrate the woman only on this ONE DAY. The other days, she is just another being trying to meet the timelines of family and work. And it don't end here, she is abused every single day in each of the roles that I mentioned above and we do nothing about it. When I say WE, I include the woman in it. Women today have become complacent. Unfortunate but true. I have been speaking to a lot of women since my entry into the personal security domain. And I've been speaking about the issues that have been hurting them most. 

Most of these discussions have ended reiterating that MOST women have got into a habit of debating about the social evils that hurt them time and again but when I made them realize that it was in their hands to take control of the situation MOST said - Yeh lets see ! 

This Must Change ! 

There is no point in extremism. Being overly feminist will do no good. There are very few women who can be extremists. And if you do not have many women who are such, then you are but a minority. What is needed is a massive external push. As a society, we have destroyed the self esteem of women. I have met well read women with little self esteem. It will take a collective effort by all women to break the glass ceiling that is holding them down. I have proved many time to those who disagreed to my statement that 'The greatest enemy of a women is another women'. Such an attitude must be eliminated. Each women will now have to CARE for another in her circle of influence. Even at work. You might be competing professionally but as women you must stand by each other. You must push each other to break that which holds you down. 

 #BeBOLDforChange - Train for Personal Security.

International Women's Day this year has this message for you all ! Its time to be BOLD. And your first step towards being BOLD is by you learning to secure yourself against malicious intent and action. Train yourself to identify pre-crime indicators. Learn that it is wise to avoid a conflict than to get into one and show your are a fighter. One of world's greatest general said - A Wise warrior will defeat his enemy even without drawing out their sword. Learn the importance of #Deterrence. Keep yourself FIT. Building muscles is not fitness. You could simply start with PRANAYAM every morning. Say no to junk food. 

Every Day is a Women's Day !

Don't wait for your company or institution to organize a security training for you. Most companies and institutions won't. Very few really care. Even if they do, it would be around a Women's Day. Could be 2017 or even 2018 or even later. You take an initiative. Find the right program that can train even those who are physically weak. Get your friends together. Don't just discuss social evils, discuss possible solutions to kill them. Get some expert help. Social media has a vast network of people willing to help (me included). Make every women around you feel you have her back covered. No criminal can mess with a bunch of awakened spirits. 

Armored Spirit would like to celebrate 2017 as an year that will mark - The Awakening of the Spirit. 

The entire of 2017, Armored Spirit will work on training a min of 500 women in a manner that they can NEVER become victims EVER in their lives. Let everyday of 2017 mark a Women's Day. 

Wishing you all a powerful awakening today ! 

Take Care & Take Charge,

Chakradhari Rowe 

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