Sunday, 26 February 2017

Understanding 'Security' in the 21st Century.

In India, unfortunately, our reference to security is just a guard in uniform who supposedly protects an installation. This installation could be a home, an apartment, an office building, bank etc. Or we refer security to gadgets like metal detectors, magneto-meters, CCTV etc. Security, however is none of these. Those mentioned above are mere tools that compliment the process of securing anything. In this write-up I've divided security into different stages so we get a better understanding of it.
Before we get into the stages, we must understand the process. Security consists of 2 important perspectives - Prediction & Preparation. Before we can look at Security from these perspectives, it is important to define it in simple terms -
Security is a mental process to predict thoughts & actions that can cause possible harm, to assets (both tangible and non tangible, including human/animal life) from known or unknown sources/adversaries and prepare oneself mentally and physically to plan and secure these assets. The preparation must first focus on mental preparedness and physical tactical training and not completely depend on use of technology or weapons. 
Security is like a game of chess - all it has is prediction and preparation. 


This is a very critical step to ensuring success in security. Without being able to predict what could be coming our way, there is no way to prepare. It is noticed that most efforts to secure assets fail as the people responsible are not open-minded and are ego/position/experience(mostly outdated) driven. We are all aware that the kind of criminals we encountered 5 yrs back aren't the same today. Today we have a hundred new ways to attack and destroy critical assets. The easiest way for our adversaries to test our preparedness is make a small attack or warn us about an attack in advance. I mean come on, how intelligent of a terrorist to warn us about a possible hijack of a plane and make his mission more tough.
2 things usually happen - The security is able to defend the attack successfully but also exposes their checks and weakness. Lets talk about our checks first with an example to Lone wolf attacks happening around Europe right now. I'd still call it a lone wolf when terrorists coordinate attacks at 5 different places as they attack alone or max in a pair. The first time it happened in Paris - explosions at stadium, shooting at cafe, hostage at a theater, etc. Post this attack, the security situation must have been planned not according to the attacks that have already taken place. The job of the security personnel was to PREDICT how they would attack in future. 2 terrorists then strike killing a priest in the church and one running over a crowd with a truck.
You could have the greatest weapons and the largest army, if you cannot predict the next move of your adversary, you will lose civilians and forces.
During my first class learning about IED (Improvised Explosive Devices) and Wolf attacks, my instructor gave us 5 mins to plan a terror attack in our respective countries. I wasted the first 3 mins or so, fighting my moral compass that wouldn't allow me to think of planning such an act. But once I realized the objective, I planted a bomb in a movie theater with ease. Completely aware of the level of checking that happens at the venue, aware of the awareness of the security personnel about possible weapons/components of IED's etc.
The fact is that in India, we are sitting ducks. Even though we are a billion + people, we depend on a few millions to protect us. Which is not wrong. but we depend on them COMPLETELY. And at every failure we love to take our bite of their flesh for failing. Go back to the line above where I speak of ego/experience/position coming in the way. Our biggest enemy is the state most of us are living in. The 'State of Denial'. Post the wolf attacks in Dhaka, I was speaking to a friend about being prepared of such ones in India. His answer was - Ah, that kinda stuff don't happen in India. I asked why ? I'm sure such things won't happen here, he replied. Though I pray that his words are held true, but I also knew as a security professional, he was sitting on a grenade. One event and the pin is pulled and then, it's a matter of time before it blows up.
While I trained in Israel on counter terror tactics, a couple of wolf attacks did take place there. One was the much spoken, at Sarona Market. As the attack took place we received videos from various security sources from various angles. What I saw in one, was unbelievable. I saw few men attack the adversary with a chair. In another incident that took place some months back, a terrorist rammed his car into people standing at a bus stop (Nice attack was not innovative. It was a copy of this one). He then got out of the vehicle with a butcher's knife and hacked a few who were in shock. However, that guy was taken down by a private security personnel immediately while those around ran towards him with whatever they could grab to hit.
I'm sure these instances would have given you a feel of wolf attacks. So, we know we are like sitting ducks. So where are we failing ?
1- We are failing to recognize our vulnerability to wolf attacks. We cannot expect the military, the police or the unarmed security guards to save you when you get attacked by a man/woman walking next to you.
2 - To hide our false prestige and accept that we are scared, we choose to be citizen of the State of Denial.
3 - We continue to be selfish. Not care about what is going wrong around us and try to stop it. Instead, we like to shoot (with our cameras). I'm sure we'll have someone shoot a video of being hacked by a wolf. But he won't live to share it.
4 - We have taken our defense forces for granted. You don't play cricket without the ball guard. Know why ? Coz 'WHAT IF' it misses the bat. So what if the wolf crawled by next to you ?
I can go on with many more points but these are enough to get you thinking in the direction that will make you think of your security. So getting back to Prediction. I suggest you keep you eyes, ears and mind open. There is only so many CCTV's that you can have. But imagine if each of us were aware of our individual security, making India the most secured nation with a BILLION CCTV's, it would be impossible for a wolf to attack. Each covering the others 6 (back).
We now transition to the next important part,


Once you have your prediction antenna on, you will be able to catch the frequency of the attacker with ease. Preparation here includes 2 aspects. Preparation in thought and action.
Lets talk about preparation in thought first -
"The queen is moved from D1 to D2. Doesn't look like a big threat ! WRONG. Whether it is or it isn't, your thought of tagging that move as not a threat has exposed you to grave danger".
Read the above words in quote. Once with dramatic emotions and the 2nd time with flat emotions. There is a huge difference. For a security personal or one who is thinking like one, emotions can be your biggest enemy. Not because of how you will respond outwardly but because how your corresponding thoughts would shape.
So, your first step to prepare your thoughts is - Get a hold on your emotions. If you've read reports of people describing terrorists while they attacked, you will know that they are display no emotions. If you have to counter them you too must not panic. Emotional Intelligence is vital for not just your survival but of those you wish to protect.
Preparation in Action -
Unarmed combat is must. The reason why terrorists don't survive an attack in Israel is thanks to their policy of having an option for all citizens to serve in the army after their 12th std/2nd PUC. For a population of around 8 million this is easy to do, but for a billion people, we cannot. Hence, one must take personal interest and initiative to train themselves in counter terror tactics and unarmed combat (plz note - unarmed combat might not be equal to learning martial arts). Preparing your body for high voltage immediate action might save your life. Not to mention of the civilians you will save around you.
For this, you must say NO to JUNK food. Maintain clean and healthy lifestyle. Build yourself into a fit person. Lets say you had someone attack you and you didn't know unarmed combat, are you fit enough to run faster to get away from him ? Or if you had to chase an adversary across the street, can you catch him or you'll collapse after a few meters ? If you are hit and are in pain, can you still crawl and hide ?
All this might sound like a military training but well, for times like these, when the terrorists could be walking next to you, you need these skills if you must survive and save others around you.
I suggest, you make a group of friends and indulge in discussing options and tactics on what you will do when .........terror strikes. As a group indulge in physical activities. Push each other to go beyond pain (if you guys need a serious push, call me ! SERIOUSLY !). Discuss terror attacks. What could have been done by those around. Discuss how you would identify suspects. What clothes, behavior, language, etc. The only way to fight these wolfs is to get together as responsible citizens. Build each other. Trust each other.
I hope this write-up has instigated you to think different about security and what it must mean to you. I hope you take your Personal Security - Personally and Seriously !
Jai Hind !
Chakradhari Rowe

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