Sunday, 26 February 2017

Security Analysis - Bangalore Molestation Case

I was waiting for #BangaloreMassMolestation or such an event to happen. I have been studying the PCI's (Pre-Crime Indicators) since a long time now. Its just like how the seismologist waits for his prediction of an earthquake to happen. Not because he wants it to but because he is prepared and he knows it will happen. Because he has data.
Below are results of a 2 question poll I had done a few weeks back. My analysis of the recent molestation events in #Bengaluru are based on these results.
Poll Results.JPG
The Analysis
There are 2 types of elements in any crime. Pre Crime Elements and Post Crime Elements. Those who want to play the blame game and keep passing the buck and make TRP's out of it will always focus on #PostCrime elements, such as - Police, Law & Order, Courts, Government etc.Their primary focus is to punish the culprits and diffuse the focus from the actual issue.
Those who wish to seek solutions focus on #PreCrime elements, such as - Themselves & Criminals.
The fact that most people in this poll blamed the Post Crime elements shows very clearly that we are being lead by the media that is focusing more on gaining TRP's by showing you what happened and who is to blame rather than why it happened and how it could have been prevented. Their solutions are also far from practicality and those which cannot give immediate results.
When I saw the CCTV Footage that is doing rounds - I felt sad for that girl. She made mistakes one after the other. She panicked and nearly gave in to the molester and was pushed by him to his choice of direction. I felt she had so much of time and options to deter this crime. There were tools around her that she could have used to alarm people around her. She got out from an Auto, why not take the auto till her gate ? From what looks like from the CCTV footage, the guys had been following her for a while. By just using a little bit of a personal security awareness, she could have deterred this crime so very easily. 
However she could do NOTHING....only because she thought this wont happen to her and she never trained or prepared for such a situation. If women think it is the job of the police to protect them then they will continue to be molested and rapped. And I don't say this coz the Police is incompetent. I say this coz they are outnumbered by population. There are only 119 police for every 1,00,000 citizens. They are doing whatever they can with little or no support from the public. 
No police in the world can be omnipresent where crime takes place. While there could be lapses at times but blaming them completely is just passing the buck.
If i get robbed, its my F6 problem. If i get attacked its my bloody problem. I didn't take precautions and I didn't train myself on basic personal security procedures.
The ONLY solution lies in the Pre-Crime Elements. One must take their Personal Security....Personally and Seriously. I'm not scared to walk on a dark road or such. Only because I carry with me the most deadly weapons - A Trained Mind and a Trained body. I am trained to incapacitate my attacker and call the cops for Post-Crime job. But in such a crime - The Criminal has become the victim. If I can, any woman or man can.
What women need today is Tactical Education. Not to be treated like sheep and remind them that the men are always there to protect them. The same men who watch when she is being molested or abused. The same men who disrespect her at home. We know not all men are bad but it so happens that such crime always take place when the good men are not around.
There is no point is long debates and watching repeat telecasts of the same crime. Just a big waste of time. Debates never saved a life. Actions did. I hope this event has served as a wake up call for you all. If it hasn't, wait for few more.
Call me if you wish to organize a Personal Security Training for women in your workplace, gym, dance studio, apartment complex or a venue of your choice.
Till then - Take Care & Take Charge !
Chakradhari Rowe 

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