Sunday, 28 May 2017

Are Women Responsible For Their Safety ?

A Question I was Asked on Quora....

Some questions must not be answered directly. They very easily get tagged as opinion. So I will define a few points here and turn the question back to you.

Your Question - ‘Are women responsible’ - ‘For their OWN’ - ‘SAFETY’ ?

SAFETY - Imagine a metal box with an opening on one side. Most of you will imagine a SAFE. A box where you store valuables. You call it safe because you believe that no one can gain access into that box without the key/password that can otherwise open it. But yet we know of many cases where this safe has turned out to be unsafe. And it has happened so because those who broke the safe did so where the SAFE was unguarded by a security personnel. Which implies that - That which is required to be SAFE must also be SECURED.

FOR THEIR OWN - In India, corruption has got into every nook and corner of the system. And it has made things worse by corrupting the security structure. We could not stop an attack on one of our most secured structure ‘Parliament’ that happens to be the epitome of our democracy. We could not stop a 26/11. And in recent times, a few Pakistanis were found living illegally in bangalore with valid aadhar cards.

But for a minute, let's assume each and every law enforcement officers is as honest as Harishchandra. They will still fail to provide security to our nation. Because they are 0.1 % of our entire population. There is only 1 cop for every 840 citizens. And according to some criminal stats I read long back - 10% of any population consists of criminal minds. So that makes it 1 cop vs 84 criminals. And the cops are definitely human beings. Which means they cannot be omnipresent for a billion people.

ARE WOMEN RESPONSIBLE - Are men completely safe from being victims of crime ? I definitely don't believe so. So the question should be - Are WE responsible for OUR OWN SECURITY?

Looking at what I've shared above, I believe you know what the answer is. What I've stated are facts. So I'd like YOU, the intelligent reader of this piece, to answer this intelligent question all by yourself for yourself.

Stay Safe !

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