If you judge this article by its title, you will for sure lose a chance to gain some critical info that can......
The War
War has been declared. Not today, not yesterday but the day you graduated and an outdated empty gun (degree) was put in your hands to go fight the world outside and earn your daily bread. This gun was neither outdated nor empty when it was commissioned a century back. Back then very few had it. And the mere sight of it commanded respect from fellows. Some used to frame this gun onto their walls as a trophy of pride. But over the years, these trophies have vanished from the walls. Not because they are not trophies any more but because 10 out of 9 of your neighbors have it. Its no more a priced possession.
The worst, these guns today come empty. And I say this as 90% MBA's and >60% graduates are not fit for a job (war). They have learnt NOTHING that can help any company fight their competition. These soldies are as useless as the outdated guns.
More You Sweat In Practice - Less You Bleed In War
Practice - makes a man/woman perfect. This is the biggest BULLSHIT you've been taught. Specially if your practice is not even 10% as hard as real war, you bloody playing a shooting game to prepare for real war. And guess what happens ? ? You become INVALID.
Look at this pic below very carefully. Notice every single weapon this commando is carrying on him and (without cheating and looking at the answer) guess the most deadliest weapon out of them all !
Not the night vision, not the automatic, not the flash bang or the fragment, not the secondary weapon. Nothing made of steel but yet made as strong as steel. It can bend to any degree without breaking. It can take any amount of pressure. It is mankind's greatest weapon that was gifted to him by the creator.
The Mind
It doesn't matter how many enemies you shot down in a video game. The first time you fire in real life, your shoulder will hurt. There is a mini blast 6 inches from your face and you cannot close your eyes coz you will lose sight of the next opportunity. You will not know where it runs to hide. A commando is made of his mind. Not his weapons. The same way a successful man/woman is made of his/her mind and not their degrees.
But your training happens in an AC classroom playing video games (theory exams). And when you get out of the paradise you see the real war and real casualties (depression, suicides). And this scares you. Or worse, make you immune and ignore.
It is beyond a doubt that the education system is outdated. And so are the guns. It will take many more years for the high command to realize this and take some serious action. Or maybe they do realize this and don't want to take action. Sometimes, the command is scared to build an army of commandos as they could turn against the command when the command is corrupt. But this is just a speculation.
Building The Mind - Tactical Life Skills (TLS)
The mind is purely built and enforced by pressure. And this pressure is created by circumstances and people around us. Using controlled pressure, the mind and body can be built to work in synergy and deliver optimum performance. This explains why most Israeli youth are so strong mentally and physically. But they are so due to their choice of growing through the army after they get out of high school. An option that will be a dream in India.
This controlled pressure is created when you train in Tactical Life Skills. While many not so worthy trainers claim to teach life skills, the use of their vocabulary exposes their mastery in the subject. They call it Life Skills 'Training' and they do it in a class room.
I call it Tactical as your ability to think rational when you are under pressure is what will build your mind into a dependable force. Tactical also refers to the ability of the mind to create solutions on the go to challenges that are critical and/or life threatening. For eg. You are attacked by a criminal while on your way home. Or your cab driver reveals his malicious intent or your colleague you've trusted all this while has cornered you into a no retreat situation (happens in most rape cases).
Tactical Life Skills also build you to take on work pressure. Meeting targets, fierce competition both in the company and against another. It is a skill set that is guaranteed to change the playing field for those who recognize the value and role of it. Such skills are built into the curriculum of the Armed Forces and hence they find it moronic to hear their civilian friends talk about work pressure sitting on a comfortable ergonomic chair in an AC cabin and beverage vending machines around.
Imagine if you can train your mind to be as hard as theirs. You will experience a mental condition that most people believe is a myth.
A Fearless Mind
I can understand how difficult it is for you to believe that it is possible for a civilian to achieve this state of mind without going through military grade training. You don't believe because you have not experienced it YET. But when you have, such a feeling is as addictive as cocaine. Being in a state of NO FEAR is an intoxication in itself. Something I experienced during my Counter Terrorism Training in Israel. I realized it was a tough job to die. I did things I believed that would get me killed and I live to tell the tale. Tactical Life Skills are for those who are frustrated living a feared life. Fear of physical, mental, emotional and financial insecurities. TLS is for those who don't want to be civilian casualties in this war of being the best they can be.
In fact, the real war is much better because you know your company will bring you back wounded. In the corporate - You Are FIRED !
I Dare You
I dare you to a session of tactical life skills. Don't ask for a DEMO. This is not a video game. You'll need some courage to blindly enroll into this program and trust your instincts.
There is nothing you can lose. And when you have nothing to lose, you have nothing to fear !
Mail us - How desperate you are to break your stereotype fearful life and we'll send you what to do next !
Most of you won't bother to mail us. Some of you will. And this explains why a small percentage of people don't let their ego and inhibitions stop them from becoming massively successful.
The War Has Been Declared. You Have Less or NO Time To Prepare !
Mail us - How desperate you are to break your stereotype fearful life and we'll send you what to do next !
Most of you won't bother to mail us. Some of you will. And this explains why a small percentage of people don't let their ego and inhibitions stop them from becoming massively successful.
The War Has Been Declared. You Have Less or NO Time To Prepare !
Remember - There can be a Terrorist attack any moment around you. And if you expecting the terrorist to be a man carrying a gun or an IED, you are bound to be the victim. A terrorist can also be a 'Situation' you have not predicted and are not prepared for.
Take Care and Take Charge
Chakradhari Rowe
Instructor - Tactical Life Skills
Armored Spirit LLP.
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