Sunday, 12 March 2017

Awareness to #ZTAC (Zero Tolerance Against Crime).

Actions To Show Your Support to #ZTAC

We've heard this from just enough many people and enough many times. But has anyone really told you about 'your role' in making our society a 'Zero Crime Zone' ? I believe not. So here are some TIPS (Tactical Information for Planning Security), Tricks, Suggestions from a subject matter expert. We suggest you take them seriously. I do not need to write for those with deep pockets as they hire security personal. This article is for us. For the citizens who are most affected by such crime. 

  1. Understand what personal security is: We've all seen movies that have a rich guy surrounded by a Bodyguard (Salman Khan flick) or Personal Security Detail (13 Hours). Not just that they were made by 2 different woods, there is a big difference between how each functions. 

    While the Bodyguard is a single operative in most cases, he is hired based on his gorilla looks (at least in India). While a PSD is hired on his tactical intelligence and knowledge of prediction & deterrence techniques (what we train you on in our Personal Security Training). While the gorilla bodyguard can't see a crime brewing around him or the VIP, a PSD can smell trouble. And this doesn't take super intelligence. 

    Security is about being able to predict a crime and thinking of a counter to prevent the criminal plan being implemented. It's all about early prediction and preparation. Its 80% Mind Tactics and 20% Physical tactics.

  2.   Securing Live Assets: Live assets are those which breath. Family & Pets fall under this. The threat to live assets is the most common threat faced by billions around the world. To counter this, those with deep pockets - hire a PSD, some hire Gorilla's other common men and women train themselves in Personal Security Tactics (Personal Security is completely different from self defense). Personal Security as per me, should be a mandatory subject. And I seriously question the intent of our education system for not taking this seriously.

    But as parents & individuals, it is our responsibility to acquire such knowledge and pass it on to our generations.

    Securing Live Assets, includes keeping them secured from attempts of - Kidnap, Physical & Sexual Abuse, Chain Snatching, Physical/Mental/Emotional attacks/blackmail, stalking etc. The only way to secure live assets from such crime is to build them with counter crime smartness and tactics. There is no other way of securing them if you have shallow pockets.

  3.  Securing Tangible and Non Tangible Assets: Cars, house, money, office equipment, cell phone, tablet, laptop, files (physical and virtual data) etc. These are further divided into 2 sets - Low Threat and High Threat. And this is your choice. Depending on your personal security, the threat level of other assets is determined.
    You could be some one who is earning $500 (INR30,000) a month but you value your life and that of your family's more than the one who is making $10,000 a month. So your personal security is not really about your monetary worth. Its about how much you value your life and that of your family. Or how much you value your other assets. Its usually seen that those who earn less care for their assets more than those who earn more. Those earning less have a better sense of ownership of what they possess. And this bring us to our next point of knowing our adversary. 
  4. Our Adversary: He/she is one with avg or below avg education but with good IQ and EQ. The reason probably is obvious that education didn't ruin them. They are usually from troubled backgrounds and have a weak or in some cases no moral compass. However, there are a minute percentage of such criminals who are seasoned - fearless of consequences of being caught, hurt or killed in action. To handle such criminals, one has to go through (to be read Grow Through) intensive Personal Security Training and Unarmed Combat. But lets talk here about the petty ones. The Chain Snatchers, Pocket Pickers, Street Robbers, Molesters and Rapists.

    To deal with these kind of criminals, you need mind tactics more than martial arts. You need to learn the rules of street engagement. You need to learn how to identify such criminals and how to most accurately predict their possible moves.

    Important Note: It is our responsibility to secure ourselves from such crime. With a 1.2 Billion population, expecting the law-enforcement to be omnipresent is impractical.  

    Most of these adversaries watch their pray long enough (depending on the crime) before they attack. One who is a chain snatcher will have less time to choose their victim, plan and execute while a rapist has all the time in the world to possibly befriend the woman he has chosen as his victim. To deter such criminals, if you could learn the perimeters that they look for in their victim, you stand a chance to alter those qualities/aspects in yourself.

  5. Bystanders: As a society we suffer from excessive FEAR. And it is this disease that makes us the #1 choice of being the prey. Our adversaries gain their confidence from our fear. They know that we are not trained in Personal Security Tactics. That we fear. That we will freeze if they show us a knife or a gun that probably has never fired a round or can't fire. The adversaries use this fear to implant more fear. They even sometimes kill a citizen who's already dead by the fear just to remind us that they could kill us too.

    During my training at Israel, I did things that I once believe could get me killed. And then I had an UNBELIEVABLE realization. It's definitely NOT EASY to die. One has to be a chicken to let someone kill you. Once I had this realization and I knew that in no way I was a chicken, I became fearless. And it is this realization that we impart in our bootcamp and PST at Armored Spirit.

    The thought that I acted like a chicken when there was a crime being committed on someone and I could have saved them.....That though will kill me a zillion times and will need tons of courage to live with, than gathering the courage to go and save the victim. Believe me when I say this - None of you are chicken. You just have been made to believe that you are. In reality you are a force that no adversary would want to mess with.  Come for our PST and we'll prove it to you. 

In my next write, I'll share more in depth about each of the above points. For now, this info is good enough to get to to start thinking ! 

Until next time, Stay Secured !

Take care & take charge 

Chakradhari Rowe 

Saturday, 4 March 2017

My Message to Gen Y


A generation that is allergic to bull shit and gyan !

Dear Youth,

First of all, I need to tell you how happy I am to see your generation. A generation that believes in practical and logical being. I try my best every time I interact with you, to learn the good you have. So here is my no BS, no gran message to you all !

Bharat, completes 70 yrs of being a democracy. Most of us are not even half the age of this great nation. Most of us don't even know the price our generations before paid, so we can experience Freedom and Democracy. For 70 yrs those who came to the parliament did, what they were best at. Some rendered priceless service and some scammed and abused this nation for 70 long years. But this is the past.

We are now 63% of the nation's population. That is around 700 Million. Bharat has today more young people than any nation has people. Understand this power. But not forget what uncle Ben said - With great power, comes great responsibility. Here are a few responsibilities I have taken up and would like to share the same with you all.


Let not anyone lure us to buy their ideology, their beliefs or their reasons for us to follow their path. We must develop the capability to gather information analyse it carefully and believe what we hear and see. Believe not the shadows (media) that we see or the echo (rumor) that we hear. The easiest way to enslave this country would be to turn us against our own people or an ideology that is against the spirit of unity in diversity of our nation.

2- VOTE 

The greatest power we have is our right to vote. The reason why we always find a non desired candidate winning, is because those who know his true character, don't vote. This privilege might come just once in 5 yrs,  but know that it has great power to shape our future. So please VOTE. When I find most local candidates unworthy, I broaden my vision and look for the best at the national level/PM candidate. The one I'd like to see represent me at the global  platform.


Make our generation - our religion, caste and color. Belong to Gen Y. Let not the adversaries divide us into their sects to achieve their vested interests. Stop being used like cattle by those who care not for us but sacrifice us to break this nation further and gain their political motives. Understand what Nationalism really means. Don't buy others definitions of it . Look for logic.

4 - PEACE 

Know that our disappointments must be addressed. But not by destroying public property. The property that some would have earned by their sweat and blood. Property that would be earning someone and their family, their daily bread. Once we get angry, we are prone to being misguided. Anger is good when it is our tool. It destroys us when we become it's tool. SAY NO to blocking roads. SAY NO to violent protests. Use social media to campaign and gain support. And if still nothing happens - a Peaceful Non Co-operation Movement has been proven successful earlier and with social media, it can be much stronger. But make sure our way of demonstration doesn't affect the common man. He is one among us. But always remember UNITY.


Wear a helmet, don't jump a signal, don't ride rash and dangerous, don't speak on the phone while riding or driving. Abide by the law. And know why you do so. I have lost a young 22 yr old friend. The truck behind him broke the law and crushed his head. He broke the law because everyone does that. He didn't expect to kill a youth. But he must have seen many break the law. And he escaped the scene because no one stopped him. Law is made to protect us. Next time you pay a bribe for not obeying the law, NOTE that you paid that money as an asshole who don't deserve to hold this system accountable for its corruption and you too are as corrupt as those, who disgust us. When you respect the law, you will notice that you no more FEAR. And that my friends is a great state of mind to be in. NO FEAR !

"The law is not just to protect you from other's un/intentional actions but also protect others from your un/intentional actions". 


These 4 traits are the 4 legs, our relationships with our family, friends and society stand on. These are the 4 pillars that unite a nation. Even if one is weak, we lose balance. Learn to care for people around, at home, on the street, in the bus. It takes a character to be dependable. Build that character. No medal is as worthy as someone considering you dependable and trustworthy. And last but not least, have integrity guys. Integrity pays huge dividends. These 4 traits makes a classy individual. Have these traits and flaunt them.

7 - FOCUS (Follow One Course Until Success)

Your complete focus must be on building yourself strong -Mentally, Physically, Emotionally, Financially and Spiritually. Your career is utmost important to you right now. Technology can be your greatest friend or your worst enemy. It can help you build your career or help you waste valuable time. Use the social media, the technology and the connectivity to gather info that can equip you better with skills and knowledge. Don't waste too much time chasing virtual characters around town. I know its fun. But remember you are 700 Million of you. And we don't currently have so many earning opportunities for all. Some of you might have to leave your comfort zones and become entrepreneurs and create jobs for the rest of us. Do that. The rewards are multi-fold. Don't lose your focus onto political issues that are designed to distract you.

8 - Security Awareness 

We live in one of the most violent times. Terrorism is becoming a fast spreading virus. It is critical that we prepare ourself to face this virus. Security Awareness (check this link)is as critical for us as is awareness about the subjects we study. Make a group of friends. Discuss terror attacks. Discuss Ideologies. Discuss why they do what they do and how they do what they do. Research. Train yourself on basic counter terrorism preparedness techniques as a group (this is not equal to learning martial arts but you could start with it). Keep your eyes and ears open when in public areas. Watch each others 6 (back). We are a Billion CCTV's (eyes). If we train ourselves, not even a stone can go missing from a street.

"Imagine how scared and terrified a terrorist would feel to enter a public place where everyone is alert, prepared and WATCHING. You could recognize him by his wet pants". 

Remember guys, a strong individual makes a strong family, makes a strong society, make a strong city, make a strong state and make a strong nation. We cannot and must not pay for the mistakes of our older generations. And it will not be productive to indulge into a blame game. 

Let's take ownership of this nation and let's build it strong with our Care, Dependability, Trust and Integrity. Remember - Independence doesn't mean single.
It means In-Dependence. It means TOGETHER. It means depending on each other. I hope I have you guys thinking on some lines. Hopefully the lines that will lead our nation towards global peace and prosperity.

I wish you all a happy World Youth Day!